SORRY: One Video A Week

Hello my gorgeous lovely followers,

Sadly I have to drop down to one a video a week for a bit, my baby, my Canon camera, died on me! I used it one day, and then I went to take some photos for a blog post, and all of a sudden I couldn’t take a photo, the button stopped working. I checked on video thinking well hopefully I could at least focus the camera, but no.

So I have had to go into John Lewis to send it off to be repaired, it can take anywhere between 2 – 6 weeks, however they said its more likely to be 2-3 weeks till I get it back.


This means, that I will only be uploading one youtube video a week, I am so sorry, but I don’t want to post a video that isn’t up to the same quality that I’ve been posting. My blog posts will continue as usual, as I luckily have plenty of photos of products that I’ve been trying out to share with you all.

Truly I am really sorry about this, but I think its better to be honest than lie about it!

So my only video will go live on Tuesday at 6pm!!



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